
The Leenaards Foundation, a philanthropic foundation based in Lausanne (Switzerland), has launch an international journalism competition on the theme of personalized health, also known as precision medicine. Personalized health results from the convergence of different phenomena: the acceleration of genome sequencing, the development of Big Data about health, and the improvement of analytical algorithms. 

This call for projects is part of the SantéPerSo initiative which gives citizens the opportunity to better understand this change through information and discussion projects.

Participants are invited to propose an original journalistic treatment of an aspect of personalized health, in french or english. The format must be multimedia, including at least two different media supports, for example text and video, or podcast and infographic.


The three winning entries will receive cash prizes to enable the winners to carry out their projects:

  • First prize: 8,000 Swiss francs ( around 8,170 US Dollars)
  • Second prize: 4,000 Swiss francs ( around 4,085 US Dollars)
  • Third prize: 3,000 Swiss francs ( around 3,063 US Dollars)


Participants can submit their projects until the 16th of September 2019 at midnight.


For more information, participation terms and registration click here.

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