From the Open Notebook, How to Conduct Difficult Interviews, by Mallory Pickett. A very handy six points cheat-sheet:
- Don’t fear the fear
- Prepare
- Stay calm and stick to the facts
- Make every effort to include all voices in your story
- No surprises
- Be kind and fair
Interested in the Victor K. McElheny Award for local and regional science journalism? The $5,000 prize will go to an outstanding work (print, digital, audio, video journalism). The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2019. For more information on the award click here.
From the Open Notebook, a day in the life of Ashley Smart, associate director of the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT and a senior editor at Undark magazine. He was a 2015–16 Knight Science Journalism fellow:
” Each year we bring ten mid-career science journalists to Cambridge to spend 10 months taking classes,
exploring new areas of interest, and basically becoming smarter journalists.
A lot of my job is making sure the fellows get the most out of their year. ”
At the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT the 2019-20 fellowship application cycle runs from January 1, 2019, through February 28, 2019. The program supports a global community of dedicated journalists specializing in science, health, tech and environmental reporting.