Gilbert Nakweya, Kenya

Who I am: Gilbert Nakweya

Where I live: Kenya

What I do: Science journalism for SciDev.Net

Why science journalism: Science has a massive role in the transformation of the global south and particularly Sub-Saharan Africa. As a student of journalism and communication studies, I decided to venture into science journalism so as to contribute to the transformation of Sub-Saharan Africa through sharing scientific knowledge for evidence-based policymaking. Science journalism opens a world of career development opportunities to journalists. Through events such as conferences, workshops, seminars, and fellowships; one can learn a lot of issues critical for professional development. Science journalism is interesting because it’s grounded in the truth and there’s no room for hearsays and rumors.

Suggestions for newcomers:

  • Understand the needs of their target audience and communicate to them
  • Being a science journalist requires passion, determination, and resilience in pursuit of the truth
  • Cultivate a relationship with scientists by investing time to understand how scientists work.



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