“Voting representatives of each member association has four votes to select a globally diverse executive board representative of the make up of the entire Federation. 

We encourage voting representatives to consult with members of their associations”.


My photo

Agatha Ngotho


My name is Agatha Ngotho, and I am a Science Writer at The Star Newspaper, a division of Radio Africa Group, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

I have over a decade of experience in science journalism, I specialize in reporting on agriculture and climate change.

I am passionate about the power of information in addressing challenges related to food security, climate change, agriculture, water, sanitation, and environmental sustainability. …  Read full letter below

Aleida Rueda


I hereby state the reasons why I wish to be part of the World Federation of Science Journalists’ Board of Directors.
I must say that I am convinced that professional science journalism is necessary and relevant to any society. And I am confident that the WFSJ is a vehicle to join common efforts and organize initiatives that benefit science journalists from all over the world, specially those who live in developing countries.
I am very aware of the challenges faced by my colleagues in Mexico and Latin America, … Read full letter below.

Photo Astrid Viciano WPK EFSJ 2024

Astrid Viciano


I am writng to express my sincere interest in being nominated as a board member of the World Federation for Science Journalists (WFSJ). With over two decades of experience in science journalism, my professional journey has spanned various roles, media outlets, and
internaional collaborations, positioning me as a strong advocate for the core values of the
WFSJ: international collaboration, and the promotion of scientific literacy on a global scale. As a Board member of the German WPK and as the Secretary of the European Federation for Science Journalism, I have had the opportunity to learn and engage in national and .. …  Read full letter below

01agosto2012 GNStudio. Fotografías para periodistas de La Nación que tienen o tendrán blogs en nacion.com. Debbie Ponchner /Juliana Barquero

Debbie Ponchner

Costa Rica

I am reaching out to you to submit my candidacy to be a board member of the World
Federation of Science Journalists and represent the region of Latin America.
For over 25 years — my entire professional life — I have devoted myself to science
journalism. I have worked as a writer and editor of a national newspaper — La Nación, in
Costa Rica (1999-2014) —, as a freelancer for international publications, and as an editor
for science publications for the Spanish-speaking audience — Scientific American en
español (2014-2017) and Knowable en español (2022-present). … Read full letter below.

2. Dr. Gulsen Saray __Photograph

Dr. Gulsen Saray


It’s my humble wish to take responsibilities by the WFSJ as a Board Member by supporting the executive leadership to ensure effective management.
As an active science journalist, I am a full member of WFSJ, a Board Member of the BNSJ, and temporal associate member of EFSJ.
I am fluent in Turkish, English and German at an academic level, and quite familiar with French with an international (40 countries), European (Germany), and regional (Turkey) experience.
I am a Science Journalist (Ph.D.), Political Scientist (M.A.), and a Civil Engineer (B.Sc.),  …  Read full letter below


Jelena Kalinić

Bosnia and Herzegovina

I am writing to express my interest in joining the Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists.
As a science journalist and communicator with over a decade of experience, I am deeply committed to fostering scientific literacy, enhancing the quality of science reporting, and contributing to the growth of a new generation of science journalists. I believe my skills and experiences align well with the goals of WFSJ, and I would be honored to contribute to its mission.
Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to ensuring accurate, accessible, and engaging science … Read full letter below.

2. Photo_Subhra

Subhra Priyadarshini


I am writing to you with great enthusiasm to express my candidacy for the board of the World Federation of Science Journalists.
My journey in science journalism, spanning more than 25 years, has been deeply committed to making science accessible, engaging, and impactful for diverse audiences. I bring a strong foundation of editorial leadership, global collaboration, and advocacy for inclusive science communication, which I believe echoes the Federation’s purpose and mission.
My vision for WFSJ is rooted in expanding access to quality science journalism in the Global South,  …  Read full letter below