During a one-day meeting at ESOF2018 in Toulouse on July 9th, 28 innovative science journalists and change-makers in newsrooms from a total of 13 countries (10 European) gathered for the first edition of the European Kavli Symposium to discuss, explore and envision the future of science journalism in Europe.

The Symposium was the first opportunity to share best practices among journalists on innovative digital formats that can be applied to science journalism.

This final report shares the best practices that emerged from this fruitful meeting during which participants reflected on digital formats, such as The Guardian’s interactive description of urban scenarios, Propublica’s Houston storm vulnerability, and Lookout360. They started with building a case on how to make compelling science stories for the public as well as on the benefits of collaborating on making these digital formats a new reality.

The meeting was also a first step in exploring a collaboration between American and European science journalists. Both groups agreed that there is still a considerable amount of work required in the field of fact-checking sources and to help better determine the accuracy and correctness of factual statements in articles, reports, publications, etc.

The next European Kavli Symposium [no date available yet] will be on building a wider reflection on the challenges of science reporting in Europe.

Download a copy of the full report here.


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