Thiago Medaglia

Who I am: Thiago Medaglia | 

Where I live: Brazil

What I do: Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT who founded and edits the science news site Ambiental He has also worked as an editor for InfoAmazonia and National Geographic Brazil.

Why science journalism: “I’ve always been fascinated with the natural world and by knowledge. I very strongly believe in science as a path to promote awareness about the world around you and about yourself. I can get access to new fields of scientific knowledge and schools of thoughts, whether that happens through an interview with a scientist or by reading a new study. These new perspectives allow me to oxygenate my mind and usually bring a positive perspective, even in the midst of so many problems, such as those we face in Brazil now.”

Suggestions for newcomers:

  • It is a privilege to inform about science in a world in crisis, so try not to lose that sense of honour.
  • If you feel like science journalism is your path, do not listen to clichés diminishing the work of journalists or announcing the end of the profession: what we do matters and will not cease to exist.
  • Yes, it is okay to start reading papers at the conclusion — and you can move to the next study if you do not find what you are looking for there.


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