The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists decided in a meeting on June 11 to appoint SciDev.Net Managing Editor Ben Deighton as its President, with Nepalese science journalist Chhatra Karki and Cameroonian science journalist Joseph Mbeng Boum as joint Vice-Presidents.

“Our focus as a Board will be to successfully deliver the World Conference of Science
Journalists in South Africa next year, by ensuring that the Federation follows good governance and accountability both to its members and supporters,” said Ben Deighton.

The Officers of the Board are as follows:

President – Ben Deighton
Vice-President – Chhatra Karki
Vice-President – Joseph Mbeng Boum
Treasurer – Jean-Marc Fleury
Secretary – Lesley Evans Ogden

For more information, please contact Ben Deighton – or
Tel: +1 343 554 1393

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